Conversion Optimization

conversion optimization

Conversion Optimization

Conversion optimization, also known as CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization), involves taking action to improve the website’s effectiveness, i.e. to trigger desired user actions on the website, such as: subscribing to a newsletter, inquiry or purchase.

As part of the conversion optimization service, the Tango team improves the graphics on the website, introduces changes to the content, improves the functioning of the sales system, navigates, and rebuilds the page layout. In a word, it does all UI changes on the page in terms of User Experience, aimed at facilitating the user’s selection and purchase process. Sometimes small changes in CTA buttons, contact form or colors can significantly increase the conversion rate.

The CRO campaign will not succeed if it is not constantly monitored and verified. Using precise tools, we constantly conduct countless tests on headings, titles, colors, shapes and proportions. We eliminate errors, implement improvements that have a direct impact on the conversion. We will work out your key to success!

Benefits of Conversion Optimization:

  • CRO increases the number of customers and sales
  • It helps keep customers away from the competition
  • Increases the effectiveness of paid ads
  • It helps in gaining stronger leads
  • It does not require a large budget