E-PR is Public Relations on the Internet is based on shaping the company’s relations with the external environment with the help of www tools. It is widely understood communication with recipients, building a positive image of the company and the product, increasing brand recognition.
The actions of our agency within the Internet PR are always based on a thorough analysis of the situation. Due to this, we can choose the most effective form of communication and effectively promote your company by building positive relationships with clients, contractors and the media.
We use proven e-PR tools like a press office, online press conferences, and viral marketing. We prepare newsletters and various types of e-mail communication ensuring constant contact with clients. As part of the NPRS, we manage press articles and PR messages in the network through their active SEO services in the SERP.
We create, run and administer company profiles on Facebook. We prepare attractive text and visual content, build a strategy, and communicate the brand. We create dedicated applications, campaigns, ads, and build actions promoting the product / brand in social media. In addition to the mentioned tools, we create and run dedicated video channels – Brand Channels for companies.
The effectiveness of e-PR activities depends not only on the methods and tools used. The knowledge about changes in the Internet and society as well as experience are of great importance here. Trust our image specialists.